Sunday, March 7, 2010

the vocabulary corner

i'm one of those creatures who is genuinely fascinated by languages. it's not just learning new languages, it's discovering new words and phrases in the english language. to me, learning new words is beyond fun. i carry a thesaurus around with me. i have text me the 'word of the day' every day. on the occasion that i hear or read a word i haven't heard before, i freak out. i love it so much.

in honor of the fact that i just watched this really cool documentary called 'wordplay' about the american crossword puzzle tournament and how they make crosswords, i decided it would be fun to make a list of words i've learned recently from books and movies.

- aleatory: accidental, impromptu, random, spontaneous, unintentional
- ataraxia: aplomb, assurance, composure, imperturbability, steadiness
- axiomatic: understood, aphoristic, indubitable, presupposed, proverbial
- ecru: beige, cream, light brown, neutral, tan
- eschew: avoid, cease, forego, spurn, withhold
- gambol: caper, cavort, frolic, leap, play
- hornswoggle: swindle, bamboozle, cheat, deceive, trick
- infundibuliform: shaped like a funnel
- obfuscation: bafflement, befuddlement, confusion, discombobulation, stupefaction
- perspicacious: observant, perceptive, astute, discerning, sagacious
- portentous: exciting, foreboding, apocalyptic, impending, premonitory
- quondam: former, bygone, erstwhile, one-time, preceding
- quotidian: ordinary, commonplace, everyday, trivial, useful
- usurp: encroach, commandeer, displace, preempt, seize
- verisimilitude: authenticity, credibility, genuineness, plausibility, reality

there you have it: 15 words you may or may not have known already that i've learned because when i read or hear a word i don't know, i have a compulsion to look it up.

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