Monday, February 1, 2010

to give you a general idea...

hello, world!

considering this is my first post of my first blog, i'm going to go ahead and assume that the millions of blog subscribers out there are all hanging on my every word, demanding an explanation as to the nature of this particular blog. who am i to disappoint?

good question. i'm adel johnson, an advertising student at columbia college in chicago. i was that ironic kid in high school who skated by on the minimum amount of effort possible and still managed all a's, but at the same time cared about my grades, perhaps at a level disproportionate to the amount of effort i expended. as a result, disappointment isn't really my thing, so i'll just get to the point.

i grew up reading great books, all the way from the kids' books to the more serious classic literature. i love reading, not only because of the fantastic stories, but also because of everything i can learn from reading a book. same goes for watching movies and television. i'd say i watch way more movies and tv than the average person, and combined my sometimes overactive imagination and memory, i've amassed quite a collection of information, references and trivia.

think of everything we glean from books, movies and tv. learning new words, collecting random pieces of useless trivia, even storing away random life lessons learned from our favorite characters and classic story lines.

this brings me to the subject of the blog.

in my somewhat insignificant yet respectable 20 years on earth, i've gathered a decidedly significant amount of information from books, movies and television. i will be writing to you about how everything i know, i've learned from these media. i'm sure everyone in cyberspace is simply brimming with anticipation and dying to know what it is i have to say, so here it is:

this is, collectively, what i have learned from books, movies and tv.

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